The Howl: As a Coyotes fan, I think we have the best "fan thing" in the NHL: The Howl. No one else has anything even remotely as cool. We need to embrace the howl. We need to howl frequently. Example 1: Some of the hockey friends recently howled at a wedding when our hockey friend Q kissed the bride. Absolutely fantastic. The howl is a beautiful thing. I have started working the howl into my daily life. When something good happens or someone says something that I feel needs a little further emphasis; I've adapted my own lil version of the howl. It goes a little something like this: "ow owwww" or "owwww" or even just a simple "ow" could suffice, depending on the situation.
Embrace the howl, Coyotes fans.... EMBRACE IT!
The Christmas Elves: Any and all players in a Minnesota Wild jersey. While watching a Wild game at the start of the season, I discovered that the Wild strongly resemble little Christmas Elves in their little home outfits. All they need are bells on the tops of their wittle helmets and curled up elf skates with bells on the tops of them too. Goalie Backstrom should be required to wear a Santa suit for each and every home game. Their goal horn should be the Halleujah Chorus and I think green visors would complete the whole look.
Christmas Elf picture coming as soon as Odie finishes it, check back often....................

Fandles: This is a term I have dubbed to describle myself and my hockey friend The Virg. We are Keith Yandle Fans = Fandles. The few and the proud. Maybe even the only two. If you are a Yandle fan, you should join us. We are quite the elite group of folks... Can two people be considered a group? We even have our own hand signs... \V that's kinda it.... but not really....
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