We have been good fans lately, sticking with our Coyotes through thick and thin. We don't ask you for much but we would really, really, REALLY like to see our Coyotes beat the crap out of the Red Wings tonight. The Red Wings fans are atrocious and we would like for nothing more than to be able to gloat just this once. We know that may sound mean... but its not really, seeing as we've had to endure much abuse from said fans on numerous occassions in the past. You see, oh Great & Powerful rulers of the hockey universe; as you well know, our Coyotes have not won a game against the Red Wings since the last time we played them during the 05-06 season. That is a long time to be dominated by a team with rude and terrible fans who like to do mean things to the opposing team's fans.

Bless Bryz that he will play like a mad goalie. Bless his pimp (glove) hand that it will be strong and stop many pucks with the greatest of ease.
Bless Marty Hanzal that he will remain so hot right now.
Bless Danny Carcillo that he will kick much ass.
Bless Papa Doan so that he will Doan many deserving Red Wings into the boards.
Bless New Guy Lindy, Turris & Tiki that they will be able to score many goals.
Bless Boeds that he will hunt and conquer.
Bless OlliCoyote so that he will be in top form and that he will also score many goals.
Bless Envy Lisin that he will outskate those Red Wings and leave them in a cloud of ice chips.
Bless Jovo so that he will be JovoCop tonight.
Bless Z, Yandle & D0-Mo so that they will be the strongest defenders on the ice tonight.
Bless ALL my boys so that the Coyotes penalties shall be few and the Red Wings penalties shall be plentiful.
Bless our penalty kill and our power plays.

♥-The Diva & Hockey Friends
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